It will completely remove any virus that is of equal or lower level than it and will simply deactivate any that are higher (with the exception of. This is used to clean viruses from the system it's currently running on (be it your own or a remote system). If someone has managed to hack you and they have taken out your firewall(s), get someone to upload you one higher than the attackers waterwall (or just have them delete the attackers waterwalls) and they'll instantly be kicked, rendering you temporarily safe. A handy little feature for firewalls (if you can pull it off) is using them to boot people from your system. Keep your highest firewall unhidden and unencrypted at all times as it will no longer prevent people from getting access without a waterwall. It is used to protect your VPC from attacks (although no system is 100% secure) and reduce the damage taken by a DDoS hit.
Slavehack vmaker software#
These pieces of software are used to prevent attacks or remove viruses left by them If you plan to be any kind of DDoSer, this is a necessesity for your external harddrive. It takes 30 seconds per VPC/NPC with a minimum of 5 "slaves" to attack. A botnet is a collection of VPCs/NPCs which you have infected with a DDoS virus which is used to attack other systems.
Slavehack vmaker cracker#
While waterwalls are on "virtually" every single players external harddrive, I feel confident in saying that the cracker is on EVERY active players external.

The better your version is (along with your waterwall file and your CPU) the faster you'll be able to crack passwords. Unlike the waterwall file, it isn't necessary to have a higher level to break into higher levels of firewalls but it helps. This will work on it's own as long as their isn't a firewall running on the other system.

You abolutely NEED this software, even more so than a waterwall file. This is the other half of the most important software in the game.
Slavehack vmaker password#
Password Crackers (.crc ver 0.3 to 5.2) : If you are inside someones system where a firewall is running and someone deletes all of the waterwalls you have that are equal to or higher than the firewall running on a system, you get kicked from it. The higher the version you have, the more systems you can break into and the time taken will also decrease (depending on your CPU and level of cracker). A version of the waterwall software is kept on the external harddrive of virtually every single player in the game. In order to bypass this and successfully crack a password, you need a waterwall of equal or higher level than the firewall that is running on the system you're attacking. Normally, a cracker alone will work but if the person who owns the system you're attacking (or the NPC) is even a little advanced in the game, there will most likely be a firewall. It's used along with a password cracker (which we'll discuss later) to break into remote systems. This is one half of the most important pieces of software in the game. Be careful though as doing so might reveal your IP and leave you open to attack. These pieces of software are used to attack others and gain control of their system.

There are a few category's of files: Protection, Attacking, Utility Software, Money Files, and Viruses.