With them dead it is time to start searching the room. Just pound away on them and it will be over before long. Still, they are not a hard to manage fight at all. When the two in the back of the room finish talking they will attack you as well. You are immediately attacked by a cultist. Happier to kill you.” Time for some more fighting. Attack!” Esthel: “Happy to meet you, hero. On the other side you have the leader waiting for you: Countess Esthel: “You incompetent idiot! Failing not enough, you have to lead the Shining Blade right to us?” Informant: “It wasn't me, but I'll make sure they don't live to tell the tale. Interact with the door to the basement and it is determined that it is held with a very flimsy lock. Defeat all of them then turn to the left and open the door to the basement. There you will find 3 more Cultist, all lvl. On the second floor you are attacked by 3 more cultist. Deal with them and then start down to the basement. But you'd better not stop running until you're halfway to Rata Sum.” - he runs Hero: “Here's another option: you die.” - fight After it is dealt with then you have 3 Cultists to kill. You don't have to hurt anyone” Initiate: “I don't believe you! You're with them – the Blade! Now either you let me out of here, or this girl dies!” Hero: “Take a deep breath, and think about what you're doing.” - back a dialogue Hero: “Let the girl go, and you get out of here. Stay here, and stay calm.” Hero C) “Take it easy. The Confessor's the one you want! Hero: “You did the right thing. (Charming)” + Charisma Initiate: “You won't hurt me? Okay, I … I surrender! The Confessor's in the basement. Fine! I'll take you on! Hero: “On second thought, let's talk about this first.” - Back to first dialogue Hero: “You're nothing, do you hear me? Bring it on.” - Battle Hero B) “Hey, relax. Let the girl go.” + Ferocity Initiate: “You wanna fight me? Without your t-two friends? Fine. I swear, if you do … I'll … I'll kill her! Hero A) “This is between you and me. If you have good charisma you will have the option of diplomacy: Initiate: “Stay there! Don't … don't come any closer. Inside the room to the South you have a White Mantle initiate holding one of the patrons hostage. Beat them and then turn to the North and head on up to the third floor. On the second floor, to the left, a Cultist will call you out. There is nothing left here on ground level. Go on, get out of out.” With him dealt with, head on up the stairs to the second floor. I had no idea! I didn't know the White Mantle was real!” Hero: “Well, you don't look like a fanatic. I was paid to cook food, serve drinks, and mind my own business. Just tell me everything you know about the White Mantle.” Bartender: “White Mantle? Seriously? Here? Oh, gods. Go over and talk with him: Bartender: “Please don't kill me, please don't kill me, please don't kill me! I've got so much to give!” Hero: “Whoa, there, friend.

When it is all done you will find the Bartender cowering behind the bar.

Defeat them and you have 4 more to deal with immediately after. Fend them off and then head inside the tavern. There is a doorguard who will announce your entrance to the entire tavern when you get close enough. Now head to the Northeast and into the lodge itself. Talk with either and confirm that you are ready to attack the White Mantle gathering inside the lodge.

Once inside the instance head forward to meet with the Exemplars Salia and Mehid. There you will find the entrance to this instance. Head toward the Hunting Lodge found in the Queen's Forest. If it is contested at presented then use the Krytan Waypoint and head to the North from there. Head out to the Ojon's Lumbermill Waypoint and head East from there. Guild Wars 2 – Rending the Mantle This is the second mission in the story line for those who chose the regret of having unknown parents.